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The Houston energy technology company, SJ Environmental, has pioneered superior biochar for use in multiple industries. Founded over twenty years ago, the company has a global outreach, which is rapidly growing as solutions and demands for green energy continue to spike.

What is Biochar?

Biochar is created through a process called pyrolysis, which involves heating organic matter with little to no oxygen. Through this heating process, the material turns into a stable solid, full of carbon, which takes thousands of years to break down. This process in turn prevents the carbon from being released into the atmosphere.

Our team has created biochar that captures and absorbs over half of the carbon from biomass and organic matter.

The potential green cycle of energy that could be established through biochar is incredible. The Paris Climate Accord recognized biochar as one of the easiest and most viable ways to reduce national carbon footprints.

Agricultural Uses

Commercial fertilizers contain toxins and chemicals that are harmful to the environment, as well as harmful to people when absorbed in crops for food and then consumed. Some of the most common toxins in commercial fertilizers include arsenic, cadmium, nickel, mercury, and lead. The toxins are present in commercial fertilizers because companies obtain industrial and sewage waste to make it.

Biochar offers an outstanding alternative to commercial fertilizers that leach pollutants into the ground and water. When used as a fertilizer, biochar promotes plant growth, instead of causing water and soil pollution. It also captures and retains water better than other commercial fertilizers.

With biochar, groundwater gets much cleaner over time and more nutrients remain in the soil, which in turn creates, at minimum, a 15% increase in growth yield.

Oil Company Uses

Our team has created innovative products in an interlocking system to help save oil companies money and protect the environment. Brimbsorb H2S adsorbent, for example, absorbs and retains the toxic byproduct compounds created by oil companies while generating energy. Brimbsorb is far more effective than other H2S removal products on the market, such as Triazine.

Biochar is a byproduct of our biofuel creation process and H2S spent media, which eliminates the need for oil companies to pay for the disposal of hazardous waste. Unlike hazardous waste, biochar can be re-purposed as a fertilizer that is environmentally safe and free of harmful toxins.

The simplest way for an oil company to save money and help the environment is to change the type of media they use for H2S removal to our innovative solution. The use of our adsorbents also helps with the safety of facility sites by reducing employee exposure to toxins.


Even when the benefits are obvious and significantly advantageous for everyone involved, upgrading products and processes often come slowly over time. It often requires project managers who are willing to go the extra mile for their companies to move into the future. The use of biochar in the agricultural and petrochemical industries increases profitability and productivity, and the benefits far outweigh the discomfort of change.

As a viable product available to two of the largest CO2 producing industries in the world, the most important benefit of biochar is reducing CO2 emissions. The more we notice the impact of CO2 emissions, the more accountability these industries will have.

It’s of great economical and ethical importance for companies to adopt processes that are greener for everyone. Unlike other green technologies that require complete overhauls of existing processes, products like biochar offer reasonable bridges to companies to ensure both financial security and core value expression to the public.

If you’re a key decision-maker for your company, and you’d like to join the Houston energy catalyst pioneer and help your company become a leader for green energy in your industry, contact us today.